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The chart below is the price change over time. The yellow line is the price [USD / BTC] at which actual trades were made. Green and red areas near the yellow line show you maximum and minimum price. Price is shown on the right axis.

Bars in the background represent volume (that is, how many coins were traded during that time) enumerated in [BTC]. The Value for this is shown on the left axis.
change:      high:      low:

Below is the cumulative depth chart. Moving your mouse over it will give you more information. The value axis for the cumulative depth chart is on the left, enumerated in [BTC].

About these bars going up and down (if there are any at the moment). They show market depth changes over the last 10 minutes. The value axis for them is on the right [BTC]. Bars on the left of the current price are bid offer changes, and on the right ask offer changes. So if somebody is adding a bid offer, you will see a green bar up on the left. About colors: if bids are added they are in green, and when removed they are in red. For asks it's the opposite. That's because when somebody is adding an ask, it makes it harder for the price to go up (red). If somebody is removing an ask it's easier for the price to go up (green). Still confused? Try this
The big number here is the price at which last trade was made.
Voltage ALL TIME HIGH Voltage
bid: 63430.91 ask: 63379.30

And here we have the last trades table.
On the left: amount of bitcoins traded.
On the right: price at which it happened.
If you still have some questions, you can find a link to my contact information on the bottom of this page. I also hang out on freenode under nick comboy.